12 Months Car Lease in Dubai

Pay for 12 months with 20% extra discount and get 13 months of the car on 1 year of the lease in UAE

Rent Misubishi Attrage in Dubai

Mitsubishi Attrage

1072 per month

Rent Kia Picanto white in Dubai

Kia Picanto

1080 per month

Rent Hyundai Grand i10 in Dubai

Hyundai i10

1092 per month

Rent Suzuki Dzire in Dubai

Suzuki Dzire

1100 per month

Rent GAC GA4 in Dubai


1120 per month

Rent a Hyundai Accent 2023 in Dubai UAE

Hyundai Accent

1128 per month


How much does it cost to lease a car in Dubai?

Generally, the cost of leasing a car in Dubai ranges from AED 800 to AED 10,000 per month but it may vary depending on the model of the car, the duration of the lease, and the down payment.

Can I buy car on lease in Dubai?

Yes, you can buy a car on lease in Dubai following the terms and conditions of the required company. To know more call 80022799 or email marketing@rentalcarsuae.com

How long can you lease a car in Dubai?

You can lease a car for a minimum of 3 months to four years in Dubai.

What is the shortest lease time for a car?

The shortest lease time for a car is 3 months. However, it may also be of 2 months.

Where can I get long term car lease in Dubai?

You can get long-term car leases from different car leasing companies, including rentalcarsuae.

How does car lease work in UAE?

In the UAE, the lessee (the person leasing the car) will be liable for the down payment and subsequent monthly payments throughout the lease. The lessee will have to return the vehicle in excellent condition after the lease.
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